Tuesday, 4 March 2014

How to hide your hard drive in windows without any software

Today i am going to tell you how to hide your hard disk drives in windows (XP, Vista, windows7,8,8.1) without using any third party software.
As you have seen in offices, collages and in your school labs there is only one drive 'C' and no more dard drives are there.We think that there is only one drive but actually there are all hard drives but they are hidden from us.
So if you want to hide Hard Disk Drive in you own PC then follow the following steps:

1. First press windows button + r and type gpedit.msc in the box.

2. Now Click on gpedit to Open it then Click on User Configuration >Administrative Templates > Windows Components.

3. Then double click on Windows Explorer (in windows XP,7,Vista) and File Explorer(in windows 8, 8).

(For windows 8,8.1)

(For windows XP, Vista, 7)

 4. Now double click on Hide these specific drives in My Computer.

5.  Now click on 'Enable' radio button and Option will be active and then select your choice you want to hide your hard disk drive i.e: you can select one, two or more you want and then click on OK.

And you are done...


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TIP: If you want to unhide these drive then just click on 'Not Configured' radio button and click on ok.

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