Saturday, 30 November 2013

How to Control your Android Mobile from PC or Laptop

In our Previous post we explained How to access your PC with mobile here in this article we will explain how to control your mobile from PC ! Yes its possible get access to your device.This will help you to manage your mobile when it is not available with you and best thing is you can share and Transfer files from PC to mobile wireless.


To Control  Mobile from PC there are many apps availablebut not all apps are best here we listed best app to make your work easier.

1.Airdroid for Android:

This is best Android app to transfer files from PC to Mobile for free.If you are ever tried sharing apps and file using Bluetooth and USB cable. 


Advantages and Features:
  • Send and Receive SMS from PC.You can also directly talk from PC.
  • Transfer files,apps,photos,videos from PC to mobile wireless
  • Install/Uninstall apps easily and flexibility to take complete back up of your device.
  • Trace your device when you lost it and much more..!!

Step by Step Process to use Airdroid:
  • Download Airdroid on your device.
  • Now Install and Open app then Click on Start icon.


  • Now note down the web address after clicking start icon.



  • Now from PC browser go to or in Enter the Web address you copied in previous step.
Note: Make Sure that your device and PC is connected to same Network

  • If you are going for then you need to verify your device by scanning QR code or by entering password.
  • Now you have successfully connected your android device to PC.You can start upload files by clicking files logo on desktop,you can chat from your PC and can have full access to your android phone or Tablet.



  • That's it Guys ! there are many features avalible once go through all of them and enjoy.

Friday, 29 November 2013

How to Lock a Folder without Software

Folder lock without any software by using notepad.

Most of us usually have confidential data on our Pc's. It is very important to hide the confidential data in Windows. Some time the data which is really private need to be secured from the third-party.


Although there are some trail versions available for folder lock software but these all come with an expiry period. So these can’t be used after some time. But by using the steps  explained here, you will be able to create a folder which can be locked by password. All the data placed in this folder will be password protected. So you can place all data which you want to hide from other users in this folder. This method works 100% on all versions of Microsoft Windows operating system.

Step by Step Process to Lock a Folder 

1.Open a new notepad.
2.In that copy and paste the below source code.



    title Folder Locker
    if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
    if NOT EXIST Locker goto MDLOCKER
    echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
    set/p "cho=>"
    if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
    if %cho%==y goto LOCK
    if %cho%==n goto END
    if %cho%==N goto END
    echo Invalid choice.
    goto CONFIRM
    ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
    attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
    echo Folder locked
    goto End
    echo Enter password to Unlock folder
    set/p "pass=>"
    if NOT %pass%==123456789 goto FAIL
    attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
    ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
    echo Folder Unlocked successfully
    goto End
    echo Invalid password
    goto end
    md Locker
    echo Locker created successfully
    goto End

    3.After you copy the  commanding,you will find this one in the source code:"123456789"(change it with any password you want).In this i used yashu as password.

    For example:
                         if NOT %pass%== tricks goto FAIL

                       //so your password here becomes tricks .//

    4.After that go to Save as… & name this file as locker.bat “. Be sure to change the “Save as type” from “text” to “All Files” :

    5.Now a batch file will appear on the desktop.


    6.Double click on the batch file,now an ms dos prompt will pop out saying    


    7.Now type the password which you have used in the source code.


    8.Now a folder named "LOCKER" will appear on the desktop.

     9.Now drag the file which you want to protect in to the folder.
     10.In order to lock the folder,again double click on the batch file and press  and your folder will disappear.


     11.Now your folder will be invisible and protected but your batch file will be there.
     12.If you want to unlock it,double click on the batch file  and enter the password.
     13.But by using this there is a risk,one can see the password by right clicking on the bat file and click edit,it will show you the source code which you have used previously.In order to prevent it we use a software named  Bat_To_Exe_Converter.
    14.You can download this by clicking here(click here). 
    15.After,downloading it ,you should have a  zip file.Now extract it you will find this.


    16.Now,go into the folder and select the OS i.e either 32-bit or 64-bit.Go into the your bit(i.e 32 or 64 bit).
    Now run the application and a screen will pop up like this.


    16.Now choose the .bat path and click on COMPILE.


    17.Now you see an .exe application on the desktop.


    18.That's it friends now you can delete the .bat file and you can use .exe file Now your private data is totally protected.
          it works good with windows 7,xp,vista.


    •  It not only hides the folder,But hides all the files and try it without     Also the password it will go to the control panel.
    • Also if you want to store files on pen drive, you can use the script.No software required.

    Thursday, 28 November 2013

    How to Uninstall/delete Default Android apps in Mobile and Tab

    Android is ruling today's mobile world.If you want to buy a new mobile now a days I am sure you will go with android because of features it offers.One main reason that android is so popular is because of plenty and useful apps that available in play store.When you buy a new mobile there are some inbuilt or default apps in your device given by that manufacturing company.I am sure that not all apps are useful for you. when you try to uninstall them you will be failed because you cant have access to delete default apps.Here we have solution for that.Continue reading..!


    Some of apps can be deleted and uninstall by going to Settings and then manage apps. But for many default apps you cant find uninstall button.The main disadvantage of this default apps is they consume power,run in background and slows your device.So its better to delete this apps permanently from your device. 
    After checking all possible ways we found that you can uninstall default android apps only if you device is rooted. If you device is already rooted then you are done if not just google for how to root your device.Then download below app and follow procedure.


    This is one of best android app to uninstall default apps from your device.Download RootApp from Here.


    • As soon as you download the Root app install it on your device.
    • Now when you open app it will ask permission for SUPER-USER.Give access as super user If you cant find your device asking for SUPER-USER don't worry for some mobile it will automatically get super user permission access.
    • Now with the help of Rootapp find the app that you want to uninstall.then click on Uninstall icon.

    2.App Master or Uninstall Master:

    This is another great app to uninstall default android apps from your mobile or Tab.App Master has simple User interface.You can download App master here.once you download the app install it on your device and follow further steps.
    That's it by using any one of above app you can uninstall default android apps from your mobile and Tabs easily.If you find any problem just comment below we will help you out

    Tuesday, 26 November 2013

    How to Fix Blue Screen Error of Death In Windows 8 and Windows 7

    Blue Screen Error is one of the common problem that every windows 8 user is facing.Blue Screen Error is also know as Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) there are many reasons for occurrence of this problem on your windows 8 computer. A Blue Screen of Death is usually hardware or driver related


    Here are some common reasons for this error:

    Sometimes Restarting your System can help you to come out of this problem :) (If you luck enough!)

    Problems in Registries:-

    Registries are considered to be the most important part of your computer, these are used to store the settings of your PC to run smoothly. Problem in these registries can make your computer to crash!.

    Solution to this Problem:Clean the registry

    You can use some registries cleaners to overcome this problem.There are so many software available on Internet which can solve this problems.We recommend to use ccleaner.

    Malfunctioning Programs /software

    There are some software which can crash your computer, so it is so important to ensure that your computer supports the software to run smoothly.
    And running of programs infected with Virus and malware, can also lead to registers problems, finally to the Blue Screen Error.

    Solution to Above Problem:-

    Right now there is no software or tool which can help you in checking the compatibility issues, before installing, some times windows detects them automatically and reports to you,  So you need to get the ensure from the manufacture of the software that it supports your windows operating system.

    Improper Shutting Down

    I have seen some people and I myself shut down the computer improperly! which is really a bad habit, which can decrease the health of your computer and make your problems more severe!
    So stop shutting downing the system directly. Use proper ways to shut down for your

    Clean Up the Start Up programs:

    The malfunctioning programs can avoid you to login into your system and can cause the BlueScreen error, Usually these programs start running at the Startup time and will cause the errors.
    You can kill all the startup programs by following these steps:
    • Boot into Safe Mode into your computer
    • Then open the "Task Manager"
    • and open the tab "StartUp"
    • Now disable the culprit program which is causing the error.
    • If you are not sure which one is causing error, you can disable all the programs!
    • And restart your computer normally!

    How to Create Wifi Hotspot in Windows 7 and Windows 8 -Best ways (PC/LAPTOP As Router)

    If you are one who looking to convert your PC as Wifi Hotspot then you are done.Here in this article We listed best 2 ways to convert your laptop as Wifi router.Once you turn you PC as WiFi router you can connect devices such as Android, another laptops etc. 


    Advantages of converting your laptop to a wifi router.
    • You can Enjoy internet in your wifi devices, any where you want but depend on your laptop wireless range.
    • Get rid of sitting at one place with wired internet connection.
    • If you have smart phone then you can get access to internet on your mobile.
    There are numerous of method to turn your laptop a wifi spot (Windows 7 and 8 only),
    Such as By command promote (only in windows 8) and by installing 3rd party software compatible with both.

    First Method-
    You need to follow below steps care fully in order to make your laptop wifi router successfully.
    Step.1: Open run (windows key+R), type ncpa.npl.

    Step.2: A new window is in front of you. There select wireless Network adapter and sharing center and select properties.

    Step.3: In wifi properties Select share, followed by Allow Others Network users to connect.
    Note- Never Tick 2nd Option.
    Step.4: Now Open Command Promote As administrative.
    Step.5: Don't worry by looking in below Command promote codes in picture, those are very simple.
                 You need to copy and paste below command in command promote.
    "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=”techbymak” key=”techbymak”"

    You will see SSid which is actually your network name, which we are going to create.
    Step.6:Now you need to start the network By using below command.
    "netsh wlan start hostednetwork"
    Every thing is done. Now you can observe your laptop is working like a router.
    Note:To check How many Devices Are connected to your router you need to enter below command in command promote.
    "netsh wlan show hostednetwork"
    This was the first method to make your laptop a router.

    Second Method:

    We are using a Software in this method to make laptop Wifi router, this method is compatible with both windows 7 and 8.The name of the software is Virtual Router.Download the software and install it.( once you downloaded it will come in zip format so extract it)

    When you have done all these make sure are connected to the network you want to share and then launch VirtualRouterPlus.exe.
    Remember - Run the .Exe as administrative.

    Let's Create A Network.

    • In this method we are using Virtual router so it is essential to create a new network.
    • It is similar to 1st method, here SSid also means the name of the network which we are creating, you can enter what you want.

    • If you want you can enter Password, it is important to prevent others to use your internet service. 
    • Now here you need to indicate which network is to be shared and then click on start Virtual Router.
    I hope you guys like the article and feel useful for you .If you have any problem in above steps feel free to comment below we ill help you out.

    Monday, 25 November 2013

    How to Protect WiFi network in Windows 7 and 8

    Many of us are always worried about anyone misusing our home Wi-Fi network, without our notice. This problem may come especially in the case of neighbors who may hear or just guess our WiFi passwords and use them with complete access. They use and you get the bill. Not at all fare enough. So, in order to protect yourself from this, and keep your WiFi secure and safe, follow a few very simple steps and be peaceful with respect to your WiFi network.

    Step by Step Process:

    • Connect to your wifi network like you normally do. Click on the START button and type 'cmd' in run to start the MS DOS prompt on your computer. In CMD, type the below command.
    ipconfig/all (you can see the example below)
    • Within the output screen look for Wireless network connection, under that look for IP address mentioned with Default Gateway entry. This is supposed to be the ip address of your wifi router. Here in the example, i have blurred it, but within your system, you will find it. Lets for example consider

    • Copy the IP address with the default gateway and Start your web browser. Put this IP address in the URL adress bar. This will direct you to connect to your WiFi device settings. Most of the Wifi routers may ask you admin name and password. Depending on the manufacturer of your device the names and passwords may vary. But most of the routers have a default name and password, "admin" as the user name and "password" as the password. Or "admin" as the user name and "admin" as the password.
    • You can login successfully and then you will be allowed to change the settings related to your wifi connection. Enable encryption on your network so that it will stay password protected. By doing this all your data is secured. It is always a good option to enable WPA2-PSK on your wifi network instead of WEP or WPA security. This is because WPA2 security with a strong password is proved to be the best and highest security provided on your wifi network.

                Must Check: Control PC with Mobile
    • Another most important thing to do is to change the name of the WiFi network also known as SSID. This makes it harder for someone to figure out that the network belongs to you. Though changing the name may not improve the chances of security, but still you need not broadcast it to everyone that you use a particular network for your WiFi. Moreover using a default SSID name which is selected by your service provider may attract the cyber criminal that you are not tech-savy. Just go through your WiFi router settings page to find SSID network name option and change it. 
    • For advanced users, it is advisable that you enable MAC Address Filtering on your WiFi router manually enter the MAC addresses of all devices(mobiles,laptops,tablets) that you want to connect to your WiFi network. This option will keep most attackers away from your network.

    The above steps any how will protect your Wifi network. But one should digest the fact that any motivated cyber criminal can still use various techniques like spoofing to fool your WiFi router. The only way is to keep your IP address safe, and also you should keep changing the WiFi access password on a regular basis and make sure you choose a lengthy password with a combination of letters,numbers and symbols.

    Sunday, 24 November 2013

    Block Unwanted Calls and SMS in Android Phone

    Android Mobile !! an Awesome gadget in today world.I know here you are to know How to Block unwanted calls in your mobile for free. Because daily you get many calls from friends,family etc. I am sure that not all the calls are important. You get some calls from telemarketers,spammers etc which are annoying.!!

    Block Unwanted Calls and SMS in Android Phone
    But know you can block unwanted calls on your Android mobile by using manual method and by using some apps.Here we listed some best apps that can block unwanted calls and saves your time.

    Manual Method:

    Manual Method to block calls on your android mobile is different for different mobiles.So here its not possible to go through all android devices.So I suggest you to go for the app that can block unwanted calls and SMS.

    Apps to Block Unwanted Calls:

    1 Mr.Number

    Mr.Number is a free app that can  block unwanted calls  and messages on any android device.This app has remote look up feature to find unknown number in US.

    Some features of Mr.Number
    • Block Call and SMS from specific person,Area.
    • Saves your time by blocking Calls from Tellemarketres and debt Collectors
    • Reverse look number feature
    • Report Spam calls and SMS to Other users.

     2. Call Blocker

    Call Blocker is another best android app to block unwanted calls.This app is available in free version and paid version.If you can upgrade to paid version you can get some extra benefits.
    • Block Unwanted Calls and send auto Reply
    • Protect your SMS and call logs
    • Back up your Contact to server.So that you cannot lost them
    Call Control is used by more then 5 million globally to block unwanted calls and SMS.Your mobile rings only when you want..!!
    • Block Spammer calls automatically
    • Block Calls from specific area using Area Code.
    • Block text and picture messages
    • 100% Ad free